Tuesday, July 7, 2009

About those who actually make movies...

To me good directors are those who can capture the essence, i.e. emotions, lessons (though not a fan of movies that "send" moral lessons) of the story, transform it into pictures through which, deliver the message back. Great directors though, are those who not only can do that, but also have a truly unique vision on how they portrait the story. So that what we got isn't only the story, it's the story seen through their minds eye. There's a lot of movies that left me thinking about the lines, the characters, etc. but only a few left me lost for words, simply because I wouldn't know where to start, the story, the hue, the sound, the light, the cutting, the fade-in and fade-out, the sense of space, etc. Good directors make us feel, great directors overwhelm us.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Ah, the first entry here that's actually posted on the day it's written.

It struck me around a week ago (somehow the thought of marking down the exact date just slipped away from my mind, not that it really matters, it'd just make this look more like a diary entry), in the middle of the night, and I figured out what's behind our dreams. Not their meanings though, if that's where you're going. What I mean is, I figured out why dreams are often so absurd. It was the strangest experience trying to think while you're half asleep. Those thoughts, in daylight, would be shut tightly inside my brain as easily as holding rocks with my hand. At night though, it's like trying to keep sand from running through your fingers.

Anyway, here's what I came up with. Each of our thoughts/emotions/events/predictions/fears/etc. is stored in tiny little dices and every face represents a specific detail, like ppl's names or faces. If you're a happy person, you'd have about a thousand dices of joy, about the same amount of hope, and say maybe a handful of sorrow. If you're anything like me, the melancholy's compartment would be the most fertile. So what would happen every night, only the moment you're about to fall asleep, is that someone would pick out a handful of dices from your little head, like how one picks different veggies to make a soup, roll them and there's a dream already cooked up for you. That's my way of explaining why you would see your highschool friends at your elementary school, but the clothes they're wearing is from a Chinese movie.

Heartattack In A Layby

"Elle est incroyablement belle et triste. C'est extrêmement déprimant.[...] Elle est sur In Absentia. Elle parle d'un type qui rentre chez lui en voiture mais qui s'arrête car il sent une douleur dans son torse. Le matin il s'était disputé avec sa femme et il se demande comment il va s'y prendre pour s'excuser. Mais, il ne réalise pas qu'il est en train de mourir d'une crise cardiaque.[...]"

Nuit et brouillard

Well, I don't even know where to start 'cause I'm still trying to catch my breath. If I have to pick one film that awakes all sentiments (probably excluding joy) in me, this would be it. It only lasts 30 minutes, but disgust, horror, sorrow, rage will come back whenever I think of those images. Halfway through the film I found myself wanting to throw up, and the next thing I know my eyes were swelling with tears. By the end here I am staring at the black screen in disbelief. I'm glad I watched it, but I don't think I would ever be able to watch it again.

 "The crematorium is no longer in use. The
devices of the Nazis are out of date. Nine
million dead haunt this landscape. Who is
on the lookout from this strange tower to
warn us of the coming of new executioners?
Are their faces really different from our
own? Somewhere among us, there are lucky
Kapos, reinstated officers, and unknown
informers. There are those who refused to
believe this, or believed it only from
time to time. And there are those of us
who sincerely look upon the ruins today,
as if the old concentration camp monster
were dead and buried beneath them. Those
who pretend to take hope again as the
image fades, as though there were a cure
for the plague of these camps. Those of
us who pretend to believe that all this
happened only once, at a certain time and
in a certain place, and those who refuse
to see, who do not hear the cry to the
end of time."


"Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rough times = Productive times

Yeah, I'm writing and it's going well. I've always been extra productive when there's a big change in my life. Sure, I write a lot of shit as well, but the way I see it is you gotta wade through some shit to find the pearls. I've deleted a few dozen ideas from my harddrive because they're not on par or better than the best stuff I've got so far. Yet, the perception of what's "shit" as in "bad music" differs radically from person to person. So I guess the worldwide response to the next Opeth record is going to be a "masterpiece that fucking sux"....

I'm a musician and I will always be a musician. Opeth has been the vehicle for my musical experiments for a good 17 years. I will forever be attached to that name and I wouldn't have it any other way. Opeth Mark 264758 consists of five guys who all have made up their mind a long time ago. We're musicians, whether it's with Opeth or something else, that fact will always stay the same. It troubles me that out of all our past members, none or not many of them have continued with music as far as I know. I haven't heard from Lopez in a long time, I don't know what he's doing but I hope he's playing. DeFarfalla is a politician, Nordin is an aspiring long distance cyclist, I think David Isberg might have something cooking...don't know excatly what though. Fuck knows what the rest of em are doing but they're not playing as far as I know. It's like their idea of being a musician died when they parted ways with this band. With that said I have no bitterness or resentment towards any of them and I sure as hell wish them the best of luck with whatever they're doing. I'm just slightly surprised, that's all.

I hope Peter won't follow that trend....

Yes, speaking about Peter....

I hired him as a bass player for a gig (with Asphyx and Desultory) in 1991. We've been friends since the 80´s and we knew we'd play together eventually. His band at the time were rehearsing next door to us and we're basically a three piece then consisting of myself, David Isberg and Anders Nordin. We got a guy playing guitar for that gig so that's why Peter played bass. He soon switched to guitars. We had the same ones actually, Yamaha's...kinda shit guitars but they looked alright....he had a black one and I had a white one with blood painted on it and a Samael sticker below the bridge. We met up several times a week and just played guitar for hours. Most of the material for the first record was written in my boy room in Hagsatra.

Not a day goes by without me thinking about those days. I miss him, what the fuck else can I say? Yet, it's how it is...I'm sure good things will come out of this.

The reactions to these news have been mixed but rather calm and "good". I understand the sadness you feel, but it's quite heartwarming to see that most of you are welcoming Fredrik Åkesson into the band. He deserves it! He's a marvellous guitar player, really! Great guy too, we hang out a lot, at least once a week When I'm not hanging out with him, Mendez is...

Musically I will just continue to write music as I always have and I hope to have some contributions from the other guys as well. We don't feel like stopping just yet. As long as we feel that we can pull out a few cool tunes I think we'll try and have them recorded and released. I mean, I'm still fucking excited about music, being in this band and all. I still giggle like a fucking kid after I've come up with something that sounds cool. Myself and Jonas Renkse are talking maybe 10 times a day, playing new riffs through the phone. He's writing for a new Bloodbath and a Katatonia record and...yeah, it feels like the old days when we didn't do anything else than write and record stuff. With all the shit that's happened to this band lately I can't help but to feel psyched about the future. And my belief in this band and its music is as strong as ever.

As usual my "blog" (Do we have to call them blogs?) is disjointed and might be hard to understand, sorry about that guys. I've been asked by many of you to say something about the whole Peter matter so I just wrote this down. So now you know, kinda, what's cooking in my stupid little head.

Thanks for giving a shit about us!

Take care

Lasse Micke Åkerfeldt"

Source: http://blog.myspace.com/mikaelakerfeldt

Been Smoking Too Long...

Sunday February 17, 2008 - 07:50pm (PST)

The image “http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2381/2273534548_9c97abfa29.jpg?v=0” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"Um, good evening...or should I say, good morning. The time is twenty-five to five, and I've been sitting here for some time now, actually...(?) from a party which I quite enjoyed, but you know, it's... One has one's reservations when one has quite enjoyed oneself, but one has to make reservations because, um, the people were particularly interesting. In fact, there wasn't as many people there as I expected there to be, it was, I thought...you know, the Maynard-Mitchells have a big, big 'do', in fact there weren't nearly as many as one might have thought, which was, which was a pity.
In fact, I think I must have drunk a lot, or although it seemed so, at the time I felt myself quite sober, but when I leapt into the car to drive home, after my merry abandon, I found the task extremely difficult. And it was extremely fortunate that, um, there was nothing else on the road because, looking back at it, I seem to remember I had a mental brainstorm, and I didn't realise at the time, and I think I drove the whole way home on the righthand side of the road...which is something, of course, which comes from driving in France too much, which is what I've been doing recently, as you probably know...driving in France, you know. And in moments of stress, such as was this journey home, one forgets so easily, the lies, the truth and the pain...and so I'm wavering from the point...
What I was trying to say...um, when I sat here I had an extremely pleasant time on the piano actually. I was playing the piano and sort of singing, and I rather fear I may have kept people awake upstairs...one hopes not, but it was pleasant, and it's extremely pleasant sitting here now, because I think there is something extraordinarily nice about seeing the dawn up before one goes to bed, because there's something uncanny about it, when it suddenly becomes light, because one connects darkness with going to bed, surely...um, and when one is still up when it becomes light, and it's a new day, and you still haven't gone to bed, to sleep, because the night equals sleep, so easily, and when one is still up when the new day begins, it is something of an (achieved?) experience, I always find.
I can look out of the window now, and that tree over there is green, whereas before one goes to bed, just when one goes to bed, that tree should be black, surely. Everything should be black before one goes to bed, but that is surely the essence of the romantic.
Anyway, I think I'm straying from the point. I shall probably stop now because, um, if I don't I shall start sort of surrealating on life histories and things, which will be frightfully tedious. So it's here that I'll sort of say good night, you know... Good night." - Nick Drake


Something very strange grew in me as I was reading those words. Fragile words.

Ba'o lu.m

Wednesday October 24, 2007 - 08:31pm (PDT)

I was doing laundry, down in the laundry room, of course, when I found a box of magazines that someone threw out. Guess what was in there? Metal Maniacs with Opeth, and Unrestrained with Dark Tranquillity on the covers. Both of them are pretty old, 2005 issues, but who cares, I haven't read them yet. Whoever threw that out, I want to know him/her!

The Metal Maniacs magazine got one of the most hilarious photo of Opeth I've ever seen, besides the "highschool boys" one, of course. Wanna see? Here it is ! It's not so clear, I know, but look at Peter's posture LOL!!!!!!!

The image “http://img455.imageshack.us/img455/6663/p2010082yf6.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Damn I miss Peter!!!

Some other funny Opeth-y shits I found in the mag:

"I didn't think I was into children, but now when I see a kid, I'm all gooey." - Mike A.

Now I see what SW meant when he said Mike didn't know the song titles til the very last minutes before the release, cause apparently, he used to call "The baying of the hounds" as "Uriah Heep", "Beneath the Mire" as "The Russian", and "The Grand Conjuration" as "Evil Frost" LOL

The original pressing of Orchid featured a blue disc print. Peter Lindgren on the mysterious blue disc: "We wanted the orchid on the CD, but the CD plant told Lee Barrett it wouldn't fit, so he had to come up with sth else. So, he chose blue. When we received the CD, we were like, 'it's fucking blue!' " LOL, I actually laughed out loud!

Still sick

Sunday September 7, 2008 - 03:04pm (PDT)

...that I have to take a day off work. Together with my history of being a slacker, I'm sure this has raised some questions whether I'm really sick, which I am, so bugger off !

Thanks to my work schedule on Sat, I had to leave the show early on Friday night (early as in 'before the show ends' or early morning 'cause it was 12:30 and Mogwai was only halfway through their set). I guess I can use that as my excuse not to review the show but more of the 'experience'. 1st of all, the sound at the club was totally shit. The bass sounded like a bunch of mud and don't even get me started on guitars. It was like listen to a shitty demo on a shitty stereo, let's just put it that way. Having said that, it worked fairly fine with Fuck Buttons' set since their stuff mainly involves noise, distorted vocals and drums (which sound alright in both sets by the miracle of God). I'd heard of this band before but this was the first time I 'encountered' their music, which I think would appeal to those who like (heavily) processed meat, I mean music. Don't expect guitar solo or beautiful melodies!

Mogwai, whom I came to see, didn't get on stage until some time close to midnight, which didn't make any fucking sense 'cause according to their website, they were waiting eternally for the show, too. My only explanation is that the club must have stretched it so that they can make more money on selling alcohol to people who have nothing else to do while waiting. Fuck them! So the result is as I said, I had to leave halfway through if I want to drag my ass to work the next day. The only thing I can remember now is after a fairly mellow number, a guy from the band stood up and said with his Scottish accent "Could the people who are jumping about in their moshpit please stop annoying the people around you, this is not a Green Day concert”. I couldn't help but (quietly) clapped my hands hearing that said. Moshpits are as stupid as..., nah, I can't think of anything, it must be the most stupid thing to do at concerts.

One more thing, which has nothing to do with music, is that I finally realized how small Victoria is. I must have seen/met/talked to 60% of the crowd at the show that night. God I gotta get outta here!


Next, Opeth in Vancouver next month. Praying to God there won't be any incident, please just let me enjoy the show !!!


So after goth, punk and emo, we now have indie and hipster to join the crew, yerk ! You know what, one day I will unite all those shits, and have a "sub-culture" named after mine, only they have to barf at themselves. Wanna join?



Found some photos of the show

Fuck Buttons

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The President interviews Peter Lindgren

(Source: Opeth fanclub Sweden)

”It´s a cold but sunny novemberday when I leave my work and go to the city. I feel a bit nervous but hopeful. I´m going to meet Peter Lindgren. Peter is playing at some of the records that meant most to me in my life, so it´s big to meet him!

At 12 a clock sharp he comes in through the doors at Fridhemsplans subway-station where we decided to meet.

The Fanclub is going to buy him lunch and he suggests an Indian restaurant nearby. But…when we arrive they are closed. We choose an Italian restaurant nearby instead.

I think there are many people that´s wondering what Peter´s up to since he left Opeth. On the Internet he still figures in discussions, so there´s still an interest in him. Peter says that he sometimes check the Internet to be updated.

I ask Peter what he does now. He answers that he works with Information technology and that he likes that. Earlier in his life he got two qualified degrees. He has a Master of Science in physics and a master of philosophy. It´s a well educated guy that sits in front of me! After the last long tour he got a “regular” job in the IT-business. He was going to try that for 6 month. It was the intense touring that made me loose the engagement, Peter says. I felt that I couldn’t give a 100 % and that I didn’t totally appreciate it. Then it’s better to step aside. Opeth is about total commitment all the time, nothing else. The family was the other big reason to quit. It’s impossible to have a decent social life with that schedule we had. Peter’s married since several years and tells me that it’s not easy to combine a relationship with extensive touring. Peter doesn’t have any children but think it would be even harder if he had.

Peter is describing the time in Opeth in a loving way. He does not regret his decision to leave Opeth but he misses that special feeling with the guys. – How would he describe Opeth as a band, I ask him? He says that Opeth strength is the versatility ant that the different band members bring different influences to the music. Mikael is into the seventies, Per brings soe blues, Peter contributed with some pop-influences, like The Cure, and Mendez has his latino-background. But everybody has their love for heavy music in common, says Peter. It´s never boring listening to Opeh, says Peter. There´s so much going on in the music and despite that you´ve heard an Opeth record many times you always discover new things. Mikael´s writing the lyrics/music, but Peter still decribes him as interested in what the others can bring to the songs. Peter says that Opeth is a band with democracy in opposite to other bands that are led by a “dictator”!

So…is Peter up to something musically now? – No, nothing at this time, replies Peter. Obviously he plays at home. It´s not impossible that we might hear Peter on records in the future, but right now there are no plans.

Peter remembers that Opeth had the ambition to be the most evil band on earth when they started! He smiles when he thinks back at the great plans in his teens. We discuss the meaning of “evil” in Opeth music and Peter´s explains that is more a way to express a feeling through the music rather than to worship “evil”. A bit like “The Cure”, they are really good at expressing emotions through their music, says Peter. – We are not “evil” guys, laughs Peter!

What does Peter listen to nowadays? Peter laughs and answers: - Opeth! And that brings us to the new Opeth record. Peter tells me that it was a weird feeling to get a new Opeth CD in his hands that he hadn’t been a part of! The Previously CD´s he took part in making and those songs he already knew when the CD arrived. But this time it´s different… Peter says that he had trouble following the new songs at first and that it took a while to get into the record, but now when he got into it he calls it “Damn good”! He´s impressed by the professional production and the great sound of the album!

A big reason that Opeth hasn´t hit it “big time” I think, is because of the growling I tell Peter. He agrees, but says at the same time, that if Opeth should leave growling, it would not be Opeth anymore! I agree!

Besides listening to Opeth new CD, Peter´s in to some jazz. He tells me that his father’s a jazz musician and that he discovers a lot of good music in his father’s collection, like Miles Davis. But he’s listening to some heavy stuff too…like Emperor!

Ever been in a fan club, I ask Peter? -No, he replies. If you had started a fan club, what band would that be, I continue? – Iron maiden or Metallica, Peter replies fast! -Iron maiden was the reason I wanted to become a musician, says Peter.

Doesn’t Opeth have a unique position in the world of music, I ask Peter. -Yes, Peter answers. –There is a respect for the band that’s special. –Opeth are very respected among other bands and music journalists, says Peter.

Any album that has been extra important for you, I ask him? –“Master of Puppets”, Peter replies! – It´s the album that meant most to me. I was a huge Metallica-fan before, but that album turned my world upside down, Peter continues. Of course an album like “Master of Puppets” might affect a 12-year old more than an experienced 35-year guy. It probably takes more to get “knocked out” now! -The band “Camel” was also important, Peter says. -They opened up the world to the prog-rock in the 70´s and one could say that they are the reason – among others- that Opeth started to sound like we did, Peter reveals.

If you could listen to only one artist for the rest of your life, who would that be, I ask peter. – Probably Porcupine Tree, Peter replies. – Maybe for the same reason why some would choose Opeth: They are incredible versatile, the spectrum is very broad and all their material is high quality, thinks Peter.

Do you have any favorite guitarist, I ask Peter. –There are of course a number of great guitarists out there, but my “all time-favourite” is Eddie van Halen Peter reveals! Besides being skillfull as few others, he´s also extremely innovative. – He’s the reason to why the metal scene in the 80´s looked like it did. He’s not only a great lead guitarist, he also knows how to riff!
What does peter think of his replacement guitarist in Opeth? –Fredrik is great guitarist, Peter says and it seems that Peter thinks it’s a good choice that the band has made!

When we finished eating we head back to the subway. Peter is going back to his job where he has much to do now. I ask him if he gets recognized often? - No, says Peter, not often. -I´m not a public person and I like being a bit anonymous. A couple of minutes later a fan comes up to Peter and talk to him for a while! We laugh at the absurdity of that situation!

I thank Peter for the interview and when we say goodbye to each other I feel happy and satisfied. Peter´s very nice person and he seem to be a happy person that laughs a lot and besides that he has been playing in the greatest band on earth! – Yes, Opeth might very well be among the best bands in the world, says Peter.


God bless who did this interview!

Sörskogen - Mordet I Grottan

Friday April 6, 2007 - 10:41pm (PDT)

Sörskogen - Mordet I Grottan magnify
"Sörskogen is a sideproject of Mikael Åkerfeldt and Dan Swanö (Edge of Sanity, Nightingale etc.). This collaboration was made to pay homage to 70's era progressive rock. They played a very cliched style of prog rock wherein they used moogs, mellotron, synth leads, rocky guitars, pumped bass and warm drumming. Only one track was ever recorded. This track is 'Mordet I Grottan' and it's still being distributed on the net by fans." - Opeth forum

The chorus of To Rid The Disease is actually ripped from this song.
Hear it yourself


Saturday September 1, 2007 - 09:49pm (PDT)
Alright, here I am again, doing something that's hopefully worth my time. For those who are not aware yet, Deadwing is a yet-to-be-made visual project of Steven Wilson and Mike Bennion. Read the script, if you care enough, and tell me, no, tell them if it's worth making. I'm not doing this because I'm a fan of SW, I'm doing this out of my honest interest and my sincere hope that this film will be brought to reality.




b y

S t e v e n W i l s o n


M i k e B e n n i o n


Draft I


c 2006 Steven Wilson & Mike Bennion


A YOUNG WOMAN sits facing a dressing table and picks up a small music box, which she proceeds to slowly wind up at its base. Throughout this scene her face is either framed out or obscured, her identity withheld from us. She lifts its lid and the box begins to play a simple tune. The ballerina inside it pirouettes.

The woman HUMS along to the tune and crosses the dimly lit room to place the music box on the window sill, next to a few other children's toys.

She moves again to the bed and perches on its edge. A SMALL BOY of about 3 years of age looks sleepily up at her from under the sheets. The young woman strokes the boy's hair and begins to SING a lullaby in a very low, gentle voice to the tune of the music box.

If you should hear a silent cry
Speak no more, no word or why
When birds are quiet and day has fled
The hour has come to go to bed.

She picks up a glass of water from the bedside table and brings it to her lap.

Sleep will come to weary eyes
That's the time the blood moon cries
When night draws in and down goes day
You can wish the shadows away.

She brings her free hand in front of the boys face and unfurls her fist to reveal a small blue pill. The boy eyes it, expressionless. He places it on his tongue and the woman hands him the water to wash it down with.

If you wake before sunrise
And hear the breath of demons lies
Close you eyes, never fear
Peace my child, for mother's here.

The boy drinks and hands back the water. We notice a pendant hanging around the woman's neck. Cast in silver, it depicts a symbol of a P with line through it, similar to an Egyptian ankh.

He feels your pain, he dries your tears
He lifts the stone, he quells your fears
He waits for you to join him there
Return to him the gift once shared.

The woman stops singing and kisses the boy gently on the forehead. He closes his eyes. She blows out the candles, leaving the room bathed in moonlight.

She rises and exits the room silently, though the music box stills plays. There is a brief AMBIENT SOUND and a ray of warm light as the door opens and closes.

CLOSE UP of the small boy's face. First his eyes open, then he opens his mouth. The blue pill is still on his tongue.

He takes it out and puts it under his pillow, turning onto his side and looking up at his bedroom window.

SMALL BOY'S POV: The window is slightly ajar, the lace curtain gently billowing. The ballerina gradually stops spinning as the MUSIC grinds to a halt. Slowly PULL FOCUS to the full moon in the distance.




TIGHTER ANGLE of the same full moon. Rain beats down. PAN DOWN to settle on a pathway leading through some trees. A small dark figure is running down the path.

SEVERAL CAMERA ANGLES get progressively closer. The figure stumbles on the rough, wet terrain. We realise it is a child.

CLOSER STILL. We recognise the SMALL BOY dressed in a night-shirt.

CLOSE UP of the boy's bare feet, muddy, bloody. He trips and falls flat on his face into the wet mud. He looks up, distressed but clearly focused on what he must do. His breath is picked out in the cold night air. He rises once more and continues his journey.

Dawn begins to brighten the edges of the sky. We see the silhouette of the little boy disappearing into the trees.




An elderly, dishevelled VAGRANT is sitting on an upturned box in a neglected urban waste ground, his back to us. It is grey and raining. There is rubbish and discarded junk is lying all around, including an old TV set. The vagrant tries to light a small fire with a soggy set of matches, sheltering the flame from the wind and rain as he does so. When he lights the match it MAKES NO SOUND.


The exact same scene plays again, this time with a SOUND added to go with the image of the match striking. However, the sound seems inappropriate for the image - too big for the tiny flame that ignites in the vagrant's hand.


For the third time the scene is played, this time with a slightly DIFFERENT VARIATION OF THE SOUND of the match lighting. Still the sound seems inappropriate, out of place.



SLOW PULL OUT of the frozen image on the TV monitor, to reveal the back of a YOUNG MAN's head looking at it.

CLOSE UP of the man's hands moving rapidly over the multi-dialled console before him. This movement ends with a decisive stab at a red illuminated button.

The TV image rewinds to the precise frame where the match is about to be struck.

The young man's hands are seen rummaging through two sets of drawers. He pulls out scissors, a packet of cigarettes, scotch tape, and finally what he is looking for, a book of matches.

CLOSE UP of the man's face as he looks up at the screen intently. The TV image is reflected in his striking eyes. This is DAVID, sound designer.

He rises from the mixing desk and enters a small sound booth. As the heavy door closes behind him we can see him inside through the glass wall but WE HEAR NO SOUND. He moves a microphone into position and then picks up a metal bucket and places it onto a table beneath the microphone.

David re-enters the mixing room, picks up the matches, and with a few key depressions at the console puts it into RECORD mode - a red light comes on.

He returns to the sound booth. Once again the door closes behind him with a gentle THWUMPH, but this time we can hear him inside the booth as the SOUND is relayed through two large speakers in the studio. David strikes three matches at different distances from the microphone.

CLOSE UP of the recording level meters as the last two matches are struck. They jump sharply for the duration of the SOUND.

Satisfied, David leaves the sound booth, returns to the console, and replays the three sounds. With speed and deftness he chooses the best. Using the graphic audio editor he isolates the sound and positions it accurately to the exact frame of the vagrant striking the match.

David spools back to the beginning of the scene and plays it from the start.


The scene plays again, full screen this time. The vagrant tries to light the small fire with the soggy set of matches, sheltering the flame from the wind and rain as he does so. The new sound fits in well.




CLOSE UP of David. He stares astonished, bewildered at the new image before him.


The scene plays on. The vagrant has lit the fire.



David freezes the playback. He hits the REWIND button.

He presses PLAY.


The scene plays through from start to finish.

With no sign of the boy.


MID SHOT of David. He rubs his eyes and looks back at the screen. He stops the film and checks the clock on the wall to his left.

The digital clock reads 11:45pm. It's late. Reflected in the glass of the clock face, something flickers.

David turns his head to the right. Through the glass wall of the sound booth we see, but do not hear, fire coming out of the top of the waste basket.

David jumps up and we see him disappear into the booth to attend to it.


David makes his way out of the building, descending four floors in the lift. The lift is of the cage variety so we are able to see through it, out into the other floors as David descends. As we do, we see that the rest of the building is completely deserted, but for a CLEANING LADY hoovering some stairs. As David passes in the lift the cleaning lady stops working for a moment to follow the lift down with her gaze. The SOUND OF HOOVERING FADES as David reaches the bottom and slides open the concertina door.


The streets are poorly illuminated and empty. The remnants of a fruit market litter the pavement. David turns and walks briskly up the street, buttoning up his jacket as he does so, his breath picked out blue in the moonlight.

A small GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLE come out of a bar ahead. They appear slightly drunk and rowdy and are wearing costumes with giant papier-mache heads. They are carrying collection boxes, and as David passes, one of the people leers and nosily shakes a bucket of coins and notes in his direction. David puts his head down, gives them a wide berth and quickens his pace.


David stands alone at the end of the platform, waiting for the last tube. He closes his tired eyes and sways slightly.

There is a FAINT RATTLE from the tracks.

The wind gusts out of the tunnel. Moments later the train roars into the station, whistling past a now alert David.

The train comes to a halt. David opens his shoulder bag and inside we see a portable MINI DISC machine. He unravels a pair of headphones and places them on his head. He switches on the MINI DISC machine, and as the doors open, steps towards the train.


David sits staring at his reflection in the black glass opposite him. The curve in it distorts his features, making him look like he has no eyes, just elongated blackened sockets.

CLOSE UP of David's bag. Poking out is the tip of a small microphone.


DAVID'S POV: TWO MIDDLE AGED WOMEN dressed in dowdy work clothes, cleaners returning from work.

...but he just gave me some more pain killers and told me to be patient.

They make it sound like it's your fault and you've done something wrong don't they ?

Well that's exactly how he made me feel, like I was just wasting his time. I mean I expected some sympathy, and anyway I never take pills, so I just threw them away.

These young doctors just give them away like Smarties nowadays....

CLOSE UP as David readjusts the microphone to point further down the carriage. Two seats down from David is a TEENAGER with a walkman, the HISS OF MUSIC leaking out of his headphones. He taps his foot, but nervously and out of time to the music.

The teenager stares across at a YOUNG COUPLE opposite, making out.

The girl is WHISPERING something in her boyfriend's ear. We just about hear the sibilance in the words, but not the words themselves.

PULL FOCUS to the final occupant of the carriage, a SLEEPING VAGRANT. He is hunched forward, twitching occasionally, breathing heavily and MUMBLING to himself. A sudden lurch of the train wakes him for a moment, and he straightens up, opens his eyes, and gazes around the carriage, wondering where he is.

Then relaxing again, he yawns.

The CAMERA PANS back to the young couple.

They both yawn.

CAMERA PANS across the aisle to the teenager.

He stops tapping his foot, and yawns.

CAMERA PANS back to the two middle aged women, still in full flow.

...would say that, stands to reason..

She pauses to yawn.

Then her friend yawns.

MID SHOT of David. He yawns.


David awakes with a start as the tube train pulls into his station. The carriage is completely empty now, except for the sleeping vagrant who is TALKING LOUDLY, if incoherently in his sleep.

The vagrant's sleep becomes relaxed again and he snores.

The train doors open.


David walks through suburban streets on the way home. A passing car headlight illuminates him for a moment. As it does David cuts into a park.


As David walks through the park he feels something and looks up at the sky - it is beginning to rain.

Further along the path he spots something on the paving stones; chalk drawings and messages. He is intrigued and stops to look at them.

They are a dense mixture of words and pictures, not unlike those of 18th century artist William Blake. One shows a baby angel perched on a man's shoulders. Another is of a pagan-like crossed 'P' symbol, with snakes curling around the lines that make up the symbol. As he tries to read the words the rain gets heavier. The drawings begin to disintegrate before his eyes.

He starts for home again.


A large terraced house in a quiet but unremarkable street. David takes out his keys and lets himself in. Muffled RAISED VOICES come from inside.


On the stairs David's neighbours, an ITALIAN MAN and ITALIAN GIRL, are having an argument in their native tongue. At the sound of David entering they fall silent. David slowly begins to ascend the steps and as he passes they all exchange a quick nervous 'Hello'. The girl smiles at him. David reaches the next landing and starts to ascend the flight of stairs. Midway up he pauses and cranes his ear. Silence. He finishes his ascent and reaches his own front door. He uses his keys to let himself in.


David enters the flat and double locks the door behind him. He removes his jacket and hangs it up, along with the bag containing his portable MINI DISC. He opens the top of the bag and flips out the disc from the recorder.

The flat is a small one bedroom bachelor pad; compact, a little lifeless, and lacking the female touch. The main features are a small TV and stereo set-up. Along the wall are several shelves stacked with mini discs and CDs. He walks through the living room to the kitchen.


David dries his hair on a tea towel and tries to fill the kettle. The water pipes groan and the water comes out slowly as strange CLANKING NOISES come from the plumbing. He eventually gets enough water and turns the kettle on. He opens a cupboard and inside is a supply of Pot Noodle instant meals. He removes one and opens the lid.


Still drying his hair on the tea towel, David closes the venetian blinds and sits down to remove his shoes.

On the floor is a large jigsaw puzzle, fairly recently started. The unused pieces are in a pile next to it. There is no reference image so we do not know what the picture is going to be. David spots a piece, takes it out, and after searching for a few moments fits it into the jigsaw.

David pulls out the empty MINI DISC box from his pocket and picks up a pen from the coffee table. He writes something on the box. He puts the disc into the box and places it onto the shelf above the hi-fi, next to many other discs similarly catalogued with dates and David's handwriting on the spine.

The SOUND OF THE BOILING KETTLE comes from the kitchen.


David is lying in bed, the bedside lamp still on. He stares up at the ceiling.

DAVID'S POV: A white, featureless ceiling.

He hears the sounds of the ITALIAN MAN and ITALIAN GIRL making love through the ceiling : The SQUEAK of bedsprings, a THUMPING SOUND, along with ECSTATIC EXCLAMATIONS of desire in Italian.

David takes a small box from the bedside table and removes two ear plugs, inserting them into his ears. The exterior sounds become dull and muffled and we hear David's HEARTBEAT and breathing inside his own head. He turns the light off. He closes his eyes.

There is a pause as we focus on the beating of his heart. And then...

[off screen]
What is that?


CLOSE UP of David's face, eyes still closed. We see reflections of pictures on his face, and the sounds of the film he has been editing, as if playing in his head.

The sound of the heartbeat slowly gives way to a CLANKING SOUND - the sound of DAVID's pipes, but this time distant and creepy.

(off screen)
What's that clanking sound ?

David's eyes jerk open.

WIDER ANGLE: David is back in the dubbing studio watching the TV monitor with a man of about 50 sitting behind him. This is STEPHEN JAY, director of the film David is working on.

David, wake up for Christ's sake! I didn't ask for that sound......did I?

David sits bolt upright, takes a moment and tries to gather his thoughts. He pauses the film.

No. It's the pipes from my flat. I thought it added...something.

The director stares incredulously at the back of David's head for a moment.


David replays the scene again. This time we focus on Stephen's face, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Staying on his face, we hear a heavy door SWOOSH open and a man's cough, as if to get attention. Stephen Jay ignores it.

(off screen, whispering)

Stephen continues to ignore him.

Stephen? Selby Sheridan is on line one for you. He says he needs two things...

Stephen, still listening hard to the film, slowly raises two fingers to the intruder without giving him the courtesy of looking at him as he does so. Eventually the man retreats and the door closes quietly behind him. Stephen continues to watch. As the CLANKING SOUND rises on the soundtrack, he begins to nod slowly.

All right. It's not shit. Pause it there.

The sound stops abruptly and Stephen and David sit silently, and stare at the frozen image on the screen for a few moments.

What did you think of the location sound?

Um...well, we will probably have to dub in most of the backgrounds and perhaps loop in some of the dialogue....

Balls! I knew it. That coke-snorting moron. Is any of it useable?

David turns to face Stephen for the first time. He screws up his face, opens his mouth as if to speak, but then closes it again.

Jesus! Right, I'm starting reshoots this week and I want you to do it.

The dubbing? I'm not sure...

(overlapping his words)
No, not the sodding dubbing! I want you on location.

David frowns. Thinks for a while.

But I haven't done anything like that for ages. I don't think Nigel would....

Stephen is already standing, putting his jacket on and preparing to leave.

(cutting David off)
I'll square it with Nigel, never mind about that. Unless he wants to lose his best client he's going to let you out of this cage for a few weeks. Christ, you can't be any worse than that monkey no matter how out of practice you are.

Stephen opens the door and disappears behind it.

Keep it up. It's almost passable.

Stephen leaves. David stares at the door as it closes behind him. He sighs.

The door opens again. Stephen pops his head into the room.

Do you play squash?

David opens his mouth to speak.

Excellent! I'll have my PA book us a game.

He slams the door shut.


On the curved surface of the tube wall is an advertisement for The National Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse. The image depicts a small, hollow-eyed boy gazing out into the middle distance, and the line 'I can't sleep. When I sleep, that's when the monster comes'.

A gust of wind comes out of the tunnel. An empty bag blows across frame and we follow it until it comes to a momentary halt against a man's body. It is David, staring at the poster. He seems to notice the bag below and shakes it off. It continues it's trajectory down the length of the tunnel. David watches it travel the remainder of the deserted platform.

As his eyes reach the exit we hear the sound of footsteps hurrying down the steps. David watches and waits as the footsteps get louder. Finally a woman emerges - she is in her late 20's, dressed in a long red coat and red high heels. She stands about 40 metres from David, her head bowed. When she looks over her shoulder across the length of the platform we see her face. Though full of consternation, it still has an intriguing beauty to it.


Their eyes meet but David quickly averts his gaze and stares at the platform.

They stand in silence for a few moments. Then the very faint sound of more footsteps. David looks up again at ELIZABETH. She has frozen in fear. The footsteps are irregular, as if the person descending to the platform has a limp.

Elizabeth begins to walk down the platform towards David, her high heels clicking. As she comes within a few more steps of David his breathing is amplified on the soundtrack. She seems to be about to talk to David, but she walks past and stops a few feet beyond him, so that DAVID is now between her and the entrance to the platform.

David steals a sideways glance at her.

The footsteps continue, becoming louder. They are slow, heavy and the rhythm is accentuated by a tapping sound every other step. David looks towards the exit then glances to look at Elizabeth. She is still facing the train track but her body has become rigid with fear, and her eyes fixed.

There is A RATTLING SOUND and another gust of wind as the train approaches. We hear it roar and the descending footsteps are drowned out.

The train begins to emerge from the tunnel and slows. The train stops and the doors open. David looks at Elizabeth - she casts a terrified glance back at the station entrance and then jerks forward quickly into the train. David looks back towards the entrance. A man's shadow seems to loom just beyond.

The electronic signal that the tube doors are going to close starts to sound. David quickly steps into the carriage in front of him, just as the doors close.


David boards the carriage next to the one Elizabeth boarded, and stands for a moment just inside the doors listening. After a few moments the doors close and the train moves off.

David sits down in the carriage, which is otherwise completely empty. The train moves away from the station. He begins to relax.

Suddenly Elizabeth enters David's carriage via the adjoining doors, breathing heavily. She meets his gaze and he looks away. Elizabeth sits in the seat directly opposite David. She looks at him, but he is pretending to read the adverts above her seat. Elizabeth nervously lights a cigarette. David glances up at the 'No Smoking' sign above her head.

Elizabeth draws on the cigarette as if her life depended on it. Then she takes the cigarette from her mouth and stretches across, holding it under David's face. He stares at it for a moment then takes the cigarette from her, holding it as if it were semtex.

As long as I'm with you, he won't try anything.




More on Deadwing...

Deadwing on MySpace

(where to show your support)

Official Deadwing site

(This site is rather about the record, I think.
But what the heck, they're cause of each other, afterall)


Mike Bennion

(co-writer of the film)


Lasse Hoile

(The Danish photographer who created these amazing shots)


It's quite common for us to possess certain interests but NEVER to express and introduce them. I am hoping to change that habit... I could have ignored the guy who sent me a private message on myspace telling me to rate Porcupine Tree albums on some page, "only" to show my support for the band, but hey, if I sincerely love their music, why not?

La Terre Des Immortels Collections

Thursday November 22, 2007 - 09:06pm (PST)

My day has been totally shit 'til I decided to explore La Terre Des Immortels!!! (The Land Of The Immortals)
("I took clean vocals lessons at La Terre Des Immortels") - How much did it cost you then?
("La Terre Des Immortels steals my concepts")
("I've had some wet dreams in La Terre Des Imortels") - This one really cracked me up when I first saw it
("How to measure La Terre Des Immortels?") - not sure what they meant though
("I love to flood LTDI's forum")
("Each of my projects is dedicated to LTDI")
("I'd love to have a side project with LTDI")
("It's the 2nd time I carry a card of LTDI")

Art - "It asks you to hate humanity but to love the humane[...]"

Wednesday August 22, 2007 - 09:53pm (PDT)

(Believe me I've never seen such powerful image... although it only lasts for a few seconds.)

It asks you to look at a man who appears sad and know that inside, he's okay." - Adam P. (Bastian Balthazar Bux) from Iowa City, IA, imdb.com

I've planned to watch this film again before writing this entry, but for some reason I feel like I have to get these thoughts out of my head, before I let them flow away. And it would be a shame to let that happen to such a beautiful masterpiece. So, here I am... But if you are a fan of Hollywood action movies, or those DVDs that are packed with special effects, you'd probably fall asleep before anything even happens. But on the other hand, if you're a fan of horror movies, I mean real horror, not those blood and flesh crap, you might be interested in seeing this film. Leaving aside the plot, this film is beautiful. Considering the plot, this film is wonderfully beautiful. The images are so strong and dark that they turn to be... a bit haunting at times, not because of something scary hiding around the corner, but because the whole thing is fully drown in melancholy and sadness, that it place a terrible weight on your chess during the one and a half hour. It never leaves you a single moment of comfort, even during John's days of "happiness" (in quotes, yes). Unlike other dramas that often give you a kind of relief in the middle, before some event happens and screws up the whole thing, this film is soaked with sorrow and carries a burden from the very moment the sound turns on til' it fades away at the end, leaves the sorrow behind that then starts to inexplicably ache inside your veins... One of the strongest example in image is the scene where Dr. Treves saw John for the first time. Although the appearance of John was remained hidden, I felt like I could see what Treves saw, and felt his feelings. The moment his tears started to fall down, I knew that somewhere inside, I was sobbing, too...
Cinematography...Let's just say, only the screen captures from the film would make wonderful black and white photographs. The angle, the colours (yes, u're reading it right), the composition, the light...all are at the perfect fit. The fact that that scenes fade in and out instead of normal cut contributes a great deal to the slow motion of the film, which makes it even more depressing (hey, think of doom metal)...
It would be a terrible mistake not to mention the soundtrack. Great great thanks to a friend of mine, I've had a wonderful dreamy and yes, somewhat ghostly night with John Morris. When I listen to Yann, I see fields in sepia. When I listen to October Falls, I see forests in blue moonlight. When I listen to this, I see alleys that are lightened by nothing but very few street lamps. And when I see stuff while listening to anything, it must be good, in certain ways at least if not all...
Mikael (from Opeth), Steven Wilson, and Lasse Hoile all have claimed that this film is one of their favorites. Consider their tastes in art (well, music, afterall), I was so curious I had to check it out.
The quote showed above is what an IMDB member comments on the film. And I found these two sayings particularly meaningful as it is how I generally feel about humanity and love. I hate humans, no new information. But I can't stand seeing them suffering (damn it!). I can't watch, or even hear any kind of violence. As for the latter, I always tell myself never to confuse love, respect and pity. If you see an old man begging for money on the sidewalk, or go to a hospital and see those people who suffer from mental disorders, love them, if you can. Otherwise, respect them. Fuck pity! They don't need it, and they don't deserve it. It wouldn't make you any more beautiful showing some fucking pity to "unhappy" people. They're fine without it, and probably even more serene than you are.

On The Monday Of Life

Tuesday October 16, 2007 - 12:33pm (PDT)

October the 2007
Salle Albert-Rousseau

Ok, to those who are interested, here is the "report" on last night show, Porcupine Tree in Quebec city! First thing, I'm really very very sad to let u know that all cameras were banned, so there was no "proof" remained but my upcoming useless humble words, fuck it!

Waiting Phase One

...which started about 2.5 months ago when I knew for sure that I'd be able to make it to my very 1st PT show. Counting down everyday since then...

Waiting Phase Two

So as usual, I got there @ the venue @ around 6:00PM, although the show didn't start until 8:00. I know I'm a little paranoid but hey, it doesn't harm anyone, does it? Unlike DT show, this venue got 2 doors, which means that by the time I got there, although the tour bus was parked at the rear door, there was nobody around. A bit disappointed, I have to say. Getting inside the building, I realized I was the first person who arrived. Two guys from the crew were still setting up the merchandise counter when they saw me and "informed" that I wasn't actually allowed to be around there. While I was waiting for an hour, more ppl came in and pretty much 2/3 of them were daddies (is that how it's spelled in plural???). I got looked at quite strangely but who gives a shit. The gate was opened at 7:00 and the next thing I know the counter was hijacked. There were several CDs of Richard, Gavin, Colin and John, together with Steve's cover version III and IV, the DVD, In Absentia, FOABP, the EP, the signed hardcover booklet version of Deadwing (which I got after the show), a set of drumsticks (which look...a little dull) and a set of 4 pins. O, and several T-Shirts as well, of which there was no small size cause apparently Canadian custom officers want to keep them for their daughters. Fuck those fuckers!!!

Waiting Phase...Three

After making sure that the guy'd still be there after the show, I settled down in my seat. The show officially started at 8:00, by...3. Yea, unlike what we thought (we = Iris & me), there WAS an opening band, which is named 3. The music was pretty good though, to be honest, but the vocals was...not that impressive. The guy's voice sounded too...easy, or thin, kinda thing. Having said that, they were fun to watch, still, especially how two drummers played around with the percussions, they even had a gong on stage, along with all kinds of other "do^` cho*i". Those guys played for almost an hour ( a bit too much I think) then there was a little break.

The Start of Something Beautiful

Around 9:10, there came my guys! (ok, our guys)

Steve was barefoot, as usual (the 1st thing I had to look) and he looked oh-so-handsome. (Please, forgive my sickness!). They started right away with What Happens Now, which remained unknown to some ppl based on their reaction. Thanks to torrent and Iris for the information, I've bin listening to the EP for some time now. Before I get confused with the order, here is the set list. The order might be a bit fucked up in the middle, but those were the ones:

What happens now?

Sound of Muzak

Fear of A Blank Planet



Nil Recurring

Dark Matter

Open Car

Blackest Eyes

A Smart Kid

Cheating Polygraph

Way Out Of Here

Sleep Together



Now, fact number 2: (n0. 1 will come in a minute) since the show wain Quebec city, which is a really "francophone" city, I noticed not many people knew the lyrics.

Fact n0. 1: After SoM, Steve sent a little "Bonsoir" et "Merci beaucoup" to the crowd and said sth like "It seems that there is no kids in here!". He went on asking if anyone was under 18 but "Don't get me wrong, we love to play for you old folks, too".

He was actually right. More than half of the crowd was old-grown-up-s. So, fact 1 + fact 2 + the fact that this is a seating venue = the show could be a little more exciting. Everytime I looked around I could only see a few heads moving, apart from that, they were all enjoying some music with beers at hand. Myself I must have looked like a nuts for yelling along every song and for headbanging like hell everytime there came a chance.

Now, here come the details...All songs from FOABP were very very very well played. All the sounds were brought on stage, no detail missing, plus the feel of a live show made them sound even better. Anesthetize was certainly the highlight of all. It was perfect! Everybody had to stand up for that song, simply one of the greatest! Way Out Of Here was great, too. I've been warned on John Wesley's part, but hey, it didn't sound that bad! Since my fav part of this song is not the chorus, I didn't really mind, hehe. My Ashes and Sentimental weren't played this time, which was a shame, I mean I don't care about My Ashes, but Sentimental is my fav of the whole, damn it!!!!

3 Deadwing songs are all my favorites from the record, besides Mellotron Scratch, so I can't really complain much. Open Car was brilliant as always. I didn't like this song so much when I listened to the studio album, but after watching it on the DVD, I just got hooked and loved it since. Lazarus was beautiful, in the deepest means of this word. Halo, the closing song, was well worth it. It's pretty much my most fav from Deawing, and watching it live was...surreal. Excellent performance, in addition with impressive light and visual effects!

3 songs from In Absentia are like the PT classics. Who wouldn't like to hear those? Trains, my all time fav, was, again, beautiful. Blackest Eyes is the song that was made to played live.

I was sooo soooo happy that they played Dark Matter and A Smart Kid. Both are kinda old songs but two of the most decent tracks from PT I think. A Smart Kid was...undescribable! I almost cried watching him playing the song. I was kinda hoping that there'd be more material from the older records like Stupid Dream, or Lightbulb Sun, even On the Sunday of Life (I know that one is a little back then, but... anyways). Normal would be awesome, too. I hope it'll be there in their next tour.

Apart from that , if there was sth that can still make me feel incomplete, it'd be...errr...the venue. I wish it was a general admission, I'd surely be on the first row and that means much more fun. And I wish there was only one entrance to the venue. I didn't get to meet and even see anybody off stage. Anyways, without all that it was still the greatest time ever, and I can still get my CD signed the next time they come to town, can't I? Since I already swear to myself, I'm gonna go see them again.


There you go, longest entry ever I think. I hope whoever you are, u're still awake. I couldn't find any photo or video of the show so this is it, I'm afraid.

Tuesday October 16, 2007 - 12:33pm (PDT)


Hey hah :D of course i'm still awake :P it's 9pm here now :D i thought the PT show you mentioned would be on November :P but... whaww... it happened :P lucky you :D

Hmm, i wonder why they didn't play Arriving Somewhere But Not Here, that song would sound great if being played live i think :-? And how did the new song Nil Recurring sound like? Lately wherever i went (i mean on Internet :P) i just saw people talking about that one over and over again (btw i've just checked the price : 34.49$!! 34.49$ for just an EP?? :|)

Hahah and most of my PT favs were played. i wish i could have been there, it must have been a great show, right? :D (and to be honest i really don't mind the fact that 2/3 of the audiences were daddies :)) :)), no problem, i just care about the music :D)

Thanks for this report-entry :D (hehe thế này là đủ rồi chị ạ :D ko có ảnh ko sao :D đọc sướng thật :X)

Tuesday October 16, 2007 - 09:19pm (BST)

After the Deadwing tour I don't think they've kept Arriving Somewhere... in the set list anymore. To me, that song is a bit of the opposite to Open Car. I used to love it when I listen to the studio album, but since I watched it on the DVD, I kinda get...bored. Still, me too i'd think that one would be great on stage.
I didn't mind the fact that most of the crowd was old, if only they were a bit more..energetic. It's always more fun to be in an excited crowd since it also affects the artist's mood, although sometimes it might mean that some guy would keep yelling random stuff and make you feel like swearing in ur head ^^ :D :p
The stuff from Nil Recurring was awesome. Have u got it? It's leaked on torrent now. Where did u find that price? I bought it at the show for only $15 CAD :-s

Tuesday October 16, 2007 - 05:25pm (PDT)

Great to hear that you enjoyed the show! I'll read till the end no matter how long it gets ^^ Was there anything else you bought there?
"I was kinda hoping that there'd be more material from the older records like Stupid Dream, or Lightbulb Sun, even On the Sunday of Life (I know that one is a little back then, but... anyways)."
--> They played Lightbulb Sun & Sever in the first leg and Shesmovedon at some last shows. And yes it'd be nice to hear something from OTSOL, though it's just wishful thinking (I'm actually thinking of Linton Samuel Dawson - greatest vocals of all time haha :)) )
"Way Out Of Here was great, too. I've been warned on John Wesley's part, but hey, it didn't sound that bad! Since my fav part of this song is not the chorus, I didn't really mind, hehe."
--> My fav part of the song is... er, the whole song :P Amazing vocals + killer guitar solo + haunting soundscapes.
My little question is who was actually running the show? Gavin, or SW??? :P :D

Wednesday October 17, 2007 - 11:47am (ICT) Remove Comment

I know that they played Shesmovedon and Lightbulb Sun but Sever?? That'd be a hell of a song on stage, one of my favs from Signify (although it's kinda hard to pick my favs from that CD if not the whole thing, and i bet u know what I mean ;) )!!! :((
My fav part of WOOH is from the beginning to right before the chorus, which was perfectly played that day.
That's a good question my dear. Since I'm sitting really really on the left side of the stage, I can't really see Gavin, which is a huge shame. He was pretty much hidden behind the drumset and SW. Gosh, now all I want is to watch him play Hatesong... :-s
I also got the EP and Deadwing. This Deadwing got 2 CDs in there, I haven't checked it out to see what thay are yet. Btw, message me ur mailing address, will you?